НЕРВЫ ГЛАЗНИЦЫ [ nerves within the eye orbit ] Веки - верхнее веко и нижнее веко - это внешние части органа зрения сенсорной зрительной системы, относящиеся к взаимодействующим вспомогательным структурам глаза.
Веки формируются со 2-го месяца внутриутробного развития зародыша человека. Вначале веки растут навстречу друг другу и срастаются между собой. К концу 5-го месяца развития веки плода разъединяются.
Структуры глазницы получают чувствительную иннервацию из первой ветви тройничного нерва - глазного нерва. От носоресничного нерва (ветвь глазного нерва) отходят длинные ресничные нервы, подходящие к глазному яблоку. Нижнее веко иннервируется подглазничным нервом, отходящим от второй ветви тройничного нерва. Мышца, суживающая зрачок, и ресничная мышца получают парасимпатические волокна глазодвигательного нерва (от ресничного узла в составе коротких ресничных нервов). Верхнюю, нижнюю и медиальную прямые мышцы, нижнюю косую мышцу глаза и мышцу, поднимающую верхнее веко, иннервируют двигательные волокна глазодвигательного нерва. Латеральную прямую мышцу иннервируют двигательные волокна из отводящего нерва. Верхнюю косую мышцу иннервируют двигательные волокна из блокового нерва.
ОРГАН ЗРЕНИЯ: ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ = organ of vision: content
- ВСПОМОГАТЕЛЬНЫЙ АППАРАТ ГЛАЗА – accessory visual apparatus
- ВЕКИ – eyelids, palpebrae
- КОНЪЮНКТИВА ВЕК И ГЛАЗНОГО ЯБЛОКА – conjunctiva of eyelids and eyeball
- ГЛАЗНИЦА – eye's orbit
- КОСТНАЯ ОСНОВА ГЛАЗНИЦЫ – bones of the eye's orbit
- МЯГКИЕ СОЕДИНИТЕЛЬНОТКАННЫЕ СТРУКТУРЫ ГЛАЗНИЦЫ – soft connective tissue within the eye orbit
- ВНЕШНИЕ МЫШЦЫ ГЛАЗНОГО ЯБЛОКА – extrinsic (extra-ocular) muscles
- СЛЁЗНЫЙ АППАРАТ – nasolacrimal apparatus
- КРОВЕНОСНЫЕ СОСУДЫ ГЛАЗНИЦЫ – blood vessels within the eye orbit
- ЛИМФАТИЧЕСКИЕ СТРУКТУРЫ ГЛАЗНИЦЫ – limphatic structures within the eye orbit
- НЕРВЫ ГЛАЗНИЦЫ – nervs within the eye orbit
- ГЛАЗ – eye
- ГЛАЗНОЕ ЯБЛОКО – eyeball
Схема. Верхнее веко и передний сегмент глаза. Сагиттальное сечение. Модификация: Gray H., (1821–1865), Standring S., Ed. Gray's Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice. 39th ed., Churchill Livingstone, 2008, 1600 p. см.: Анатомия человека: Литература. Иллюстрации |
• Генле Фридрих (Henle Friedrich Gustav Jacob, 1809–1885) — германский анатом и патолог.
• Генле Фридрих (Henle Friedrich Gustav Jacob, 1809–1885) — анатом, патолог, Германия.
• Краузе Карл (Krause Karl Friedrich Theodor, 1797–1868) — анатом, врач, Германия.
• Мейбом Генрих (Meibom Heinrich, 1638-1700) - анатом, Германия.
• Молль Якоб (Moll Jacob Antonius, 1832-1914) - анатом, офтальмолог, Голландия.
• Мюллер Генрих (Müller Heinrich, 1820–1864) — анатом, Германия.
• Риолан Жан (Riolan Jean, 1577-1657) - анатом, врач, Франция.
• Цейс Эдуард (Zeis Eduard, 1807-1868) - врач, Германия. |
The upper and lower eyelids are anterior structures that, when closed, protect the surface of the eyeball.
The space between the eyelids, when they are open, is the palpebral fissure.
The layers of the eyelids, from anterior to posterior, consist of skin, subcutaneous tissue, voluntary muscle, the orbital septum, the tarsus, and conjunctiva.
The upper and lower eyelids are basically similar in structure except for the addition of two muscles in the upper eyelid. |
The muscle fibers encountered next in an anteroposterior direction through the eyelid belong to the palpebral part of orbicularis oculi. This muscle is part of the larger orbicularis oculi muscle, which consists primarily of two parts-an orbital part, which surrounds the orbit, and the palpebral part, which is in the eyelids. |
Orbicularis oculi is innervated by the facial nerve [VII] and closes the eyelids. The palpebral part is thin and anchored medially by the medial palpebral ligament, which attaches to the anterior lacrimal crest, and laterally blends with fibers from the muscle in the lower eyelid at the lateral palpebral ligament.
A third part of the orbicularis oculi muscle that can be identified consists of fibers on the medial border, which pass deeply to attach to the posterior lacrimal crest. These fibers form the lacrimal part of the orbicularis oculi, which may be involved in the drainage of tears.
Deep to the palpebral part of the orbicularis oculi is an extension of periosteum into both the upper and lower eyelids from the margin of the orbit (Fig. 8.71). This is the orbital septum, which extends downward into the upper eyelid and upward into the lower eyelid and is continuous with the periosteum outside and inside the orbit (Fig. 8.73). The orbital septum attaches to the tendon of levator palpebrae superioris muscle in the upper eyelid and attaches to the tarsus in the lower eyelid. |
Providing major support for each eyelid is the tarsus. There is a large superior tarsus in the upper eyelid and a smaller inferior tarsus in the lower eyelid (Fig. 8.74). These plates of dense connective tissue are attached medially to the anterior lacrimal crest of the maxilla by the medial palpebral ligament and laterally to the orbital tubercle on the zygomatic bone by the lateral palpebral ligament. |
Embedded in the tarsal plates are tarsal glands, which empty onto the free margin of each eyelid. These glands are modified sebaceous glands and secrete an oily substance that increases the viscosity of the tears and decreases the rate of evaporation of tears from the surface of the eyeball.
Although the tarsal plates in the upper and lower eyelids are generally similar in structure and function, there is one unique difference. Associated with the tarsus in the upper eyelid is the levator palpebrae superioris muscle, which raises the eyelid. Its origin is from the posterior part of the roof of the orbit, just superior to the optic foramen, and it inserts into the anterior surface of the superior tarsus, with the possibility of a few fibers attaching to the skin of the upper eyelid. It is innervated by the oculomotor nerve [III].
In companion with the levator palpebrae superioris muscle is a collection of smooth muscle fibers passing from the inferior surface of the levator to the upper edge of the superior tarsus. Innervated by postganglionic sympathetic fibers from the superior cervical ganglion, this muscle is the superior tarsal muscle.
Loss of function of either the levator palpebrae superioris muscle or the superior tarsal muscle results in a ptosis or drooping of the upper eyelid.
The arterial supply to the eyelids is from the numerous vessels in the area. They include:
• the supratrochlear, supra-orbital, lacrimal, and dorsal nasal arteries from the ophthalmic artery;
• the angular artery from the facial artery;
• the transverse facial artery from the superficial temporal artery;
• branches from the superficial temporal artery itself. |
Venous drainage follows an external pattern through veins associated with the various arteries and an internal pattern moving into the orbit through connections with the ophthalmic veins.
Lymphatic drainage is primarily to the parotid nodes, with some drainage from the medial corner of the eye along lymphatic vessels associated with the angular and facial arteries to the submandibular nodes.
Innervation of the eyelids includes both sensory and motor components.
The sensory nerves are all branches of the trigeminal nerve [V]. Palpebral branches arise from:
• the supra-orbital, supratrochlear, infratrochlear, and lacrimal branches of the ophthalmic nerve [V1];
• the infra-orbital branch of the maxillary nerve [V2]. |
Motor innervation is from:
• the facial nerve [VII], which innervates the palpebral part of the orbicularis oculi;
• the oculomotor nerve [III], which innervates the levator palpebrae superioris;
• sympathetic fibers, which innervate the superior tarsal muscle.
Loss of innervation of the orbicularis oculi by the facial nerve [VII] causes an inability to close the eyelids tightly and the lower eyelid droops away, resulting in a spillage of tears.
Loss of innervation of the levator palpebrae superioris by the oculomotor nerve causes an inability to open the superior eyelid voluntarily, producing a complete ptosis.
Loss of innervation of the superior tarsal muscle by sympathetic fibers causes a constant partial ptosis.
Схема. Слёзная железа и мышца, поднимающая верхнее веко = Lacrimal gland and levator palpebrae superioris. Модификация: Gray H., (1821–1865), Drake R., Vogl W., Mitchell A., Eds. Gray's Anatomy for Students. Churchill Livingstone, 2007, 1150 p. см.: Анатомия человека: Литература. Иллюстрации |
The lacrimal apparatus is involved in the production, movement, and drainage of fluid from the surface of the eyeball. It is made up of the lacrimal gland and its ducts, the lacrimal canaliculi, the lacrimal sac, and the nasolacrimal duct.
The lacrimal gland is anterior in the superolateral region of the orbit (Fig. 8.77), and is is divided into two parts by the levator palpebrae superioris (Fig. 8.78);
• the larger orbital part is in a depression, the lacrimal fossa, in the frontal bone;
• the smaller palpebral part is inferior to levator palpebrae superioris in the superolateral part of the eyelid.
Numerous ducts empty the glandular secretions into the lateral part of the superior fornix of the conjunctiva.
Fluid is continually being secreted by the lacrimal gland and moved across the surface of the eyeball as the eyelids blink.
The innervation of the lacrimal gland involves three different components.
Sensory innervation
Sensory neurons from the lacrimal gland return to the CNS through the lacrimal branch of the ophthalmic nerve [V1].
Secretomotor (parasympathetic) innervation
Secretomotor fibers from the parasympathetic part of the autonomic division of the PNS stimulate fluid secretion from the lacrimal gland. These preganglionic parasympathetic neurons leave the CNS in the facial nerve [VII], enter the greater petrosal nerve (a branch of the facial nerve [VII]), and continue with this nerve until it becomes the nerve of the pterygoid canal).
The nerve of the pterygoid canal eventually enters the pterygopalatine ganglion where the preganglionic parasympathetic neurons synapse on postganglionic parasympathetic neurons. The postganglionic neurons join the maxillary nerve [V2] and continue with it until the zygomatic nerve branches from it, and travel with the zygomatic nerve until it gives off the zygomaticotemporal nerve, which eventually distributes postganglionic parasympathetic fibers in a small branch that joins the lacrimal nerve. The lacrimal nerve passes to the lacrimal gland.
Sympathetic innervation
Sympathetic innervation of the lacrimal gland follows a similar path as parasympathetic innervation. Postganglionic sympathetic fibers originating in the superior cervical ganglion travel along the plexus surrounding the internal carotid artery. They leave this plexus as the deep petrosal nerve and join the parasympathetic fibers in the nerve of the pterygoid canal. Passing through the pterygopalatine ganglion, the sympathetic fibers from this point onward follow the same path as the parasympathetic fibers to the lacrimal gland. Vessels
The arterial supply to the lacrimal gland is by branches from the ophthalmic artery and venous drainage is through the ophthalmic veins. |
«Я У Ч Е Н Ы Й И Л И . . . Н Е Д О У Ч К А ?» Т Е С Т В А Ш Е Г О И Н Т Е Л Л Е К Т А
Предпосылка: Эффективность развития любой отрасли знаний определяется степенью соответствия методологии познания - познаваемой сущности. Реальность: Живые структуры от биохимического и субклеточного уровня, до целого организма являются вероятностными структурами. Функции вероятностных структур являются вероятностными функциями. Необходимое условие: Эффективное исследование вероятностных структур и функций должно основываться на вероятностной методологии (Трифонов Е.В., 1978,..., ..., 2015, …).
Критерий: Степень развития морфологии, физиологии, психологии человека и медицины, объём индивидуальных и социальных знаний в этих областях определяется степенью использования вероятностной методологии.
Актуальные знания: В соответствии с предпосылкой, реальностью, необходимым условием и критерием...
... о ц е н и т е с а м о с т о я т е л ь н о: — с т е п е н ь р а з в и т и я с о в р е м е н н о й н а у к и, — о б ъ е м В а ш и х з н а н и й и — В а ш и н т е л л е к т !
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